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Did you know?

- The water available for human consumption represents only 0,26% of the volume of fresh water present on earth, of which only 1/10 th is easily accessible, the rest is mainly made up of ice.
- Did you know that in France we consume an average of 160 liters of water per day and per inhabitant, of which 44% for bathing and showering, 30% for cooking and washing clothes, and 26% for our toilets.
- Hunt for leaks and defective seals: a dripping tap = 4 liters of water per hour, or 35 liters of water wasted per year!
- 3 minutes tap open, 12 bottles of 1,5 liters flow out


- Take a shower rather than a bath: 1 bath (about 250 liters of water) = 5 showers (about 50 liters of water per shower)
- Try not to let the water run while you brush your teeth, shave or soap yourself.
- Reduce your consumption by installing the appropriate equipment on your taps:

    • Flow limiters (between 4 and 12 euros) save up to 200 liters of water per day, for the same comfort;
    • The aerators (around 10 euros) reduce your water flow by 30 to 40% for the same comfort;
    • Economy shower heads (about 20 euros) use 5 to 7 liters of water, compared to 10 to 18 liters for an ordinary shower head.
  •  I choose a water-saving washing machine and dishwasher with the help of the energy label: in fact, their level of consumption can vary, for a 15 to 40 liter dishwasher and for a from 60 to 130 liters.
  • I always fill the washing machine and the dishwasher completely before starting them or I use the "eco" button.
  • I wash the dishes in a washing machine: I use 15 to 19 liters of water instead of 30 to 80 liters by hand.
  • I reuse vegetable cleaning water to water my plants.
  • I invest in "drip" irrigation equipment, micro-sprinklers, porous pipes: they consume less water than water jets (watering a garden requires 15 to 20 l/m2) .
  • I water in the evening: this reduces losses due to evaporation by 5 to 10%.
  • I hoe to aerate the soil: which is equivalent to two waterings.
  •  I collect rainwater from the downspouts using cans: I use it to water flowers and lawns or to wash the car, thus saving drinking water.
  • I wash my car in a car wash: which requires 60 liters of water instead of 200 liters with a garden hose.